Cake Stall
We are hoping that you can bake and donate...... if you have Family / Friends that can bake we would love to accept their donations.
Below is a list of suggestions for the Stall that might help but please don’t limit yourself to these as you might have something else you would like to do:
If you can donate any of the above or anything that would sell on the day, we would really appreciate it, the more the better. All goods have to be labeled with ingredients. If you could please let me know what you can Bake / Donate, it will help with organising the Stall. Please contact Lion Lynda at 0403168805 or 95808805
If you cannot bake etc but would like to help, I am after a few donations for Things I need to buy eg Lamingtons, Fondant Icing ( for icing the Fruit cakes for Mother’s Day ). Please help make this a successful Cake Stall.
Thanking you all, Lynda 🧁🥧🥮🥖🥐