2024 Changeover Dinner Awards
2024 President's Awards:
Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation Gold Award
This award goes to a significant contributor within our Club. Although we don’t see a lot of him anymore as he’s moved intrastate, I know he is always thinking of us and doing as much as he physically can to help the needy within our Community and aiding the Cancer Research Foundation. I just loved the email he sent last week, saying that “whilst I’m alive, there are two things I’ll definitely be doing. Paying my Lions dues and donating to Lions! This award is just so deserved. Congratulations Lindsay Gresswell
Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation Gold Award
This gentleman has been a member for close on 10 years now and I find him extremely reliable. He always has his reports in on time and is extremely helpful to all Club members and does a fantastic job of maintaining our IT section. If he could just stop my 5 Lions accounts each from logging out after two weeks, I’d be referring to him as perfect! He’s our IT guru, Brian Rees
Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation Gold Award
This person has been a member of our Club for many years and has held senior positions within the Club over that time. She is the first to put up her hand to help the rural folk and has led projects to deliver large amounts of Christmas cheer and hay to farmers in the Wellington region and when Woodburn, near Lismore was practically destroyed by floodwaters in 2022 she was instrumental in garnering support for a project to help them. She’s a huge asset to Liane when it comes to the Trivia night and collecting prizes and donations from sponsors. She also cooks a very mean cake! Its Lynda Robinson
Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation Gold Award
I love it when members are so happy that seem to smile all the time. I especially love it when these very members attend nearly all the raffles that we hold, they work solidly at our Market Days, they support our Trivia night by filling two tables with their friends. As President, I’d love to have a member listing full of people just like her. She’s a delight to have as a member. It's Noelle Hamer
Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation Gold Award
Last but not least, our final award winner is a long-term member of the Club and has been involved in so many different areas of Lions, an extra pin on his jacket is likely to see him topple over. He runs our IGA food collections; and he’s been heavily involved in Hearing Dogs for many years. He runs the Peace Poster competition and looks after Christmas cakes and puddings and our Club’s member welfare. If you don’t receive a hand delivered birthday card, he’s the man you need to contact! He is the sort of person that I can always rely on to get any job done and most importantly, he has a heart of gold. It’s John Chate
Stirrers Award
This has to be one of my favourite awards and it’s always a difficult job deciding who deserves it the most, so once again I felt the fairest way was to go to the streets of Oatley to survey the first 100 people I saw. To be honest the results weren’t too surprising! The main surprise was that John Morgan’s name didn’t feature highly. I think he’s been away on so many holidays they’ve forgotten him. Once again I was left with 3 clear contenders:
No. 1 Roslyn McGillicuddy you can’t seem to shake that tag, can you? 2020, 21 and 22 , The locals haven’t forgotten you!
No. 2 Is our current holder Peter Street who maintains his position in the top 3, rather unsurprisingly.
No. 3 is my VP Peter de Meur has finally hit the big time and made it to the finals!
Other names mentioned were John Perkins, Reg Walker and Bob Talbott!!
Now this really doesn’t surprise me , but after the final tally, I have pleasure in announcing that the Oatley Lions Club, Stirrer of the Year 2024 goes once again to Peter Street!
The Melvin Jones Award is HERE